Monday 28 February 2011

Exhibition project begins

Exhibition project begins! I have started researching into paisley prints and Isnik Art. Here are a sample of some drawings that i have done today. This week i will continue to draw before scanning my imagery into Photoshop.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Isabella cards

This week i had the final card presentation in front of the 'Paperclip' studio which went really well. So hopefully i will gain some work experience in the next couple of months. The next project begins - working towards an exhibition. I think a trip to London, to gain some inspiration is therefore in need!

Alongside the cards that i designed this project i handmade some gift tags,wrapping paper,hanging heart decoration,heart box, brooch, and a framed card piece.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Isabella's card creations

I have just finished a project for a company called 'Lewis and Lewis Designs.' I had to put together a collection of designs that then would have the chance to be selected to go to Paris - 'Indigo' trade show. My designs were all floral based. To my surprise all eleven of my designs were selected and now have the chance to be sold. Fingers crossed! Since then i have been working on a card project set by a local card company called 'Paper clip' in Bath. I hope to gain some work experience with them in Easter. Here is a selection of some of the cards that i presented to the company a few weeks ago. Over the next few weeks i will continue to upload a selection of new card designs that i am currently working on before my next presentation to the company!